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Our History (graphic).PNG

Colonial Baptist Church was originally apart of the Glade Creek Baptist Church which was organized in 1829. It was a log cabin structure located near the present Glade Creek Baptist Church and served Baptists, Lutherans, and Old Order Dunkards (Brethren). Merriman Lunsford was the first pastor. 


In 1934, a canvass vote was taken to build a new building and the church became the Glade Creek Baptist Church. The new building was dedicated in 1937. At this time, the church was a part of the Strawberry Association of the Southern Baptist Convention. 


The first service was conducted by Pastor G. H. Broyles, who served as pastor until his retirement in 1941. Earl Dodson became the next pastor and served until 1944. Rev. Elbert M. Yeatts accepted the call as pastor in June of 1944.


The Glade Creek Baptist Church change its name in 1951 to Colonial Baptist Church. The Colonial Baptist Church withdrew from the Strawberry Association and became an unaffiliated, Independent Baptist Church in 1962.


Pastor Yeatts provided the church with consistent, solid leadership based on the Word of God. Under his pastorate, the church grew spiritually and physically. In fact many of the present facilities were built under Pastor Yeatts' leadership. 


In 1984 Pastor Yeatts went home to be with the Lord. In 1985, then Youth Pastor, Donald W. Eade, assumed the pastoral leadership of the church and served faithfully until 1994 when the Lord called him to the mission field. He and his family served in Slovakia for 17 years, and minster today in West Huntsville, Alabama. 


In 1995, we welcomed Garvin L. Dykes as our pastor. The Lord continued to bless our church spiritually through the inspiring leadership of Pastor Dykes. In February of 1999, the Lord again called our pastor into missions work. Pastor Dykes resigned from our church to serve as the Director for Baptist International Outreach Inc., Pastor Dykes went to be with the Lord in June of 2018.


Rev. Bradley M. Griese, Sr. answered the call to become our pastor in August 1999, and served until July 2005. Pastor Griese came to us from Whitsett Baptist Church in Whitsett, NC where he pastored for 14 years. Under his leadership, our Faith Center (multi-purpose center) was built. Pastor Griese resigned from the pastorate in July 2005 and serves the Lord now in South Carolina. 


Rev. John S. Dooley, who had served faithfully as Associate Pastor for 15 years, was called as our Senior Pastor in 2006 and served our church faithfully until 2019 when he felt the Lord leading in a different direction and resigned from the Senior Pastor position in 2019. Pastor John still serves faithfully at Colonial Baptist Church in various ways. 


In 2020 Pastor Joel Wegner answered the call to become our Senior Pastor. Pastor Joel had served as our Youth and Music Pastor faithfully beginning in 1997. We are so excited to see what the Lord will do under the leadership of Pastor Joel. 


We are so grateful and blessed for the rich heritage that the Lord has allowed us to have as a church. May we continue to serve the Lord faithfully until His return. 


221 Hillcrest St

Blue Ridge, VA 24064


Contact Us

Phone: (540) 977-5683

Service Times


9:30 | Sunday School / ABF Groups

10:30 | Worship Service 


6:45 PM | Teen Services

7:00 PM | Children and Adult Worship Services

Office Hours

Monday - Friday  8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Colonial Baptist Church Main Logo.png
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 550 Blue Ridge, VA 24064

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