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Title: "Planting Acorns In The Church"

By: Pastor John Wiley

The great hymn writer, John Newton, was not just exceptionally talented in his creative arts abilities, but was also a wonderful Christian mentor in discipleship. In March of 1791, Newton wrote to a distressed missionary, Richard Johnson, who had been commissioned to take the gospel to New South Wales in Australia (originally called New Holland). What Newton says to John is so helpful for us to keep in mind when it comes to ministry successes:


“I have not been disheartened by your apparent want of success. I have been told that skilful gardeners will undertake to sow and raise a salad for dinner in the short time while the meat is roasting. But no gardener can raise oaks with such expedition. You are sent to New Holland, not to sow salad seeds, but to plant acorns; and your labour will not be lost, though the first appearances may be very small, and the progress very slow. You are, I trust, planting for the next Century. I have a good hope that your oaks will one day spring up and flourish, and produce other acorns, which, in due time, will take root, and spread among the islands and nations in the Southern Ocean.”


We live in a “microwave”-paced society that expects things to be done quickly and in the most comfortable manner. Most of us shop at the grocery store for our food, not having to patiently wait to see what springs up in the harvest. Oak trees, however, can take something like 20-30 years (or even longer) to reach maturity and produce acorns. 


God sometimes blesses faithful ministry with quick-yielding fruit. And we praise Him for those unusual outpourings of kindness! But many times, spiritual fruit is yielded at the same pace as an acorn tree. The children we minister to as kindergarteners might demonstrate fruit in their lives when they are out of college. Teenagers we disciple today might not see the seriousness of their faith until they become adult parents. There are exceptions, of course. We pray that such spiritual growth continues along a similar path of maturity in other areas of life. But we also should be striving to not lose heart when we plant gospel seeds and plod with sharing God’s Word.


How can you plant acorns this week? 


In Christ,

Pastor John Wiley

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221 Hillcrest St

Blue Ridge, VA 24064


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